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Author representation

The Author representation is returned by the /authors resource. When a list of authors is returned, you will get back an array of author objects in an element called authors.


the numeric identifier (AUTHOR.AUTHORID)

the author's full name, suitable for display (AUTHOR.AUTHORDISPLAY)

the author's first name (AUTHOR.AUTHORFIRST)

the author's last name (AUTHOR.AUTHORLAST)

an object with two elements, key and value. If the key is 'R_H' then the value will be empty; otherwise it will contain the division name that the key implies. For more information, see the concept article on multiple authors. (AUTHOR.COMPANY_CODE)

the authorId from which this record was copied. For more information, see the concept article on multiple authors. (AUTHOR.CLIENT_SOURCE_ID)

contribRoleCode, contribRoleDesc
a code and the description of that code identifying the role that this contributor had in relation to a work or title. For more information, see the concept article on contributor roles. (ISBNxAUTHOR.CONTRIBROLECODE, CONTRIBROLE.CONTRIBROLEDESC)

This field is only populated when the author is being displayed in the context of a specific work ID or ISBN.

For example both /domains/PRH.US/works/203112/authors and /domains/PRH.US/authors/8240?isbn=9780739377727 return
            "contribRoleCode": "A",
            "contribRoleDesc": "Written by",
for the single Janet Evanovich record. It does not matter how the work ID or ISBN is specified as long as it is singular.

Other notes

A link to the author's photo can be extracted from the _links array by looking for rel=icon and extracting the associated href value.


The presence of this link is not a guarantee that the author has a photo however the public image server will always serve a default image (e.g. https://images.randomhouse.com/author/1). Currently there is no way to restrict author listings based on the presence or absence of an author photo.



            "display":"Janet Evanovich",


version 1

There is currently only one version of the Author representation