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Resources API V1 - Authors

Note: this document refers to the original Resources API V1, not the newer Enhanced PRH API

Search for authors by first and/or last name. In this context author is considered to be any one of book's contributors, including roles such as illustrator or narrator. Either first or last name parameter must be provided.

Request URL

http://randomhouse.api.mashery.com/resources/authors[?lastName][&firstName][&start][&max][&expandLevel]&key=<Your developer key>


parameter nametype    description
lastName String Case insensitive. Matched against complete last name. Examples: 'Bro' returns no matches; 'brOwN' matches 'Dan Brown'.
firstName String Case insensitive. Matched against complete first name. Examples: 'Da' matches 'Da Chen' but not 'Dan Brown''dAN' matches 'Dan Brown'.
start Number Position of the first record in the result set to be included in the response. Starts with 0.
max Number Position of the last record in the result set to be included in the response. Passing zero will include all found entities.
expandLevel Number Level of detail. 0 = links only; 1 = full details.


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  1. Shea1 year ago

    How can I get the API key for the Resource v1? When I register an application I can only choose the Enhanced PRH API.

  2. Tom1 year ago

    Resource v1 has been retired. All relevant information in v1 is available in the Enhanced PRH API.

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