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Work resource

This resource returns information about books identified by ISBNs. 

See also Concepts - Works and ISBNs


List works

Return a list of work objects


Listings require a domain so typically you will specify this as a subresource of a particular domain (see Domains).


Get work

Return details about a specific work.


Related info

Return objects related to the specified work.



There are no parameters specific to the work resource


        "workId": 321214,
        "title": "The Puzzle Palace",
        "author": "James Bamford",
        "onsale": "1983-09-29",
        "language": "E",
        "seoFriendlyUrl": "\/books\/321214\/the-puzzle-palace-by-james-bamford",


List display

Display a list of works that satisfy the specified filters.


Series display

A view constructed for the PRH.com numbered series work listing based on the list display view. Adds "seriesNumber" and "formats" to the representation and restricts the "isbn" that is chosen to just the frontlistiest one that has the specified series code.


Product display

A view constructed for the PRH.com product detail display. Returns the details of a specified work ID as specified by [ProductDetailRestView].


Also-in Author

A view constructed for the PRH.com right rail display. Returns a list of 0-3 works that were written by the authors of the specified work.


Also-in Series

A view constructed for the PRH.com right rail display. Returns a list of 0-3 works for each series code that is present on one of the specified work's ISBNs.



A view of the list works method constructed for the Narrative Tool project. The representation matches the same one returned by /search/views/ant.


A snippet of the representation of /domains/PRH.US/works/views/ant?workId=317918

    "workId": ​317918,
    "title": "Stars of Fortune",
    "coverUrl": "https://images.randomhouse.com/cover/9780425280102",
    "earliestOnSaleDate": "2015-11-03",
    "genre": "Romance",
    "formats": [
    "authors": [
            "id": ​25754,
            "name": "Nora Roberts"
    "contributors": [
            "name": "Nora Roberts",
            "roleVerb": "Author",
            "roleNoun": null